Why the hell should I trek all the way out to Queens? Answers within.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

So Cute

The YMCA has an indoor track that runs in a circle above the pool. On Saturdays, you can see the kids having their swimming classes. Everything from dads with tiny babies to kids bumping into each other while trying to master the backstroke to little ones with floaties and kickboards.

I mean, seriously. Can anything be cuter? Except maybe the little ballet class I saw in the 2nd floor classroom last week. Tutus and everything.


Anonymous said...

My daughter washed out of that class, too much discipline. I love the track though going in circles when there is such a good walk right out over the Q-Boro Bridge that I have a hard time staying indoors and going in circles. I do like the peeps you get of the Y and the EL outside.

The picture of the girls on your flickr page was from the St. Pats for everyone parade. I walked the whole way with my daughters (boy was sick). A wonderful day, and this is a fantastic (web)sight.


Anonymous said...

How long is the walk across the bridge, mile-wise? I'll be training for the marathon next year & wonder if I can incorporate it into my workouts. And where do you enter?

Eric Hauser said...

Claire, you might find this helpful:


Google maps mashup that lets you use it as a pedometer, basically. You can calculate mileage from different points on the streets.

The bridge looks like it's about 1.3 miles if you take the long on ramps into consideration.