Why the hell should I trek all the way out to Queens? Answers within.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sunday March 30th: Crossing the BLVD performance

Sunday March 30, 3pm

Crossing the BLVD performance of monologues, sounds and images of new immigrants and refugees with Warren Lehrer and Judith Sloan. Post show discussion moderated by Brian Lehrer, talk show host WNYC radio and wnyc.org

Goldstein Theatre, Queens College
All seats $12. Order online or call: 718.793.8080.

About the Performance: As immigration policy is being hotly debated around the country in terms of national, economic, and cultural security, Crossing the BLVD presents the very human stories of why new immigrants and refugees have migrated to the United States and what their experiences have been since they came here pre- and post-9/11. Writer and artist, Warren Lehrer is the tour guide providing commentary and perspective as actress and oral historian Judith Sloan "channels" many of the people they interviewed on their three-year journey around the world through the borough of Queens. Sloan's vocalization work and movement bring these characters to life. Their performance is illuminated by projections of Lehrer's stunning photographs of the subjects, urban landscapes, objects they have carried with them from home to home, and Queens' landscapes, along with Sloan's soundtrack of original music, sounds, and voices.[Soundtrack includes music by Scott Johnson and Gogol Bordello.]

"Immigrant life as told in the intimate, rich, comic, ironic and sad stories so often seen but not heard in America's big cities..." The Washington Post

"A turbo-driven Eyewitness guide...BLVD is a demonstration of the way you can explore the world without leaving home." The Guardian, London

"An offbeat ethnic tour of one of the country's most ethnically diverse counties. Riveting stories..." The New York Times

"Crossing the BLVD boldly carries the tradition of oral history into the 21st Century... Electrifying! Eve Ensler, author, oral historian, performer The Vagina Monologues

Winner Brendan Gill Prize, Municipal Art Society of New York 2004

The performance is held in conjunction with Lehrer and Sloan's Multimedia Exhibition of the same name at Queens College's Godwin-Ternbach Museum. The exhibition includes 90 portraits, story excerpts, 14 sound stations, and an interactive Mobile Storybooth. It runs through June 28 and will be on view before and after the performance on March 30th.g

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