Why the hell should I trek all the way out to Queens? Answers within.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Sunnyside's own Jeremy Karaken on NPR

From Jeremy:

On Friday, March 14th, set your dials to NPR and Radiolab, as they discuss my play The Sweet Sweet Motherhood with Lee Silver, my collaborator. They'll be discussing the scientific, as well as the moral implications of human-animal hybridization.

As they say on the networks, check local listings.

Or, simply go to www.radiolab.org and look for Show #404

(So-Called) Life
Show #404
Friday, March 14, 2008

What are the consequences when humans start playing with life? The human imagination has always dreamed up fantastic creatures, but now biotechnology is making it easier and easier for us to actually create forms of life that have never existed before. In this hour, Radio Lab looks at the uneasy marriage between biology and engineering, and asks what counts as "natural?"

We enter the world of bioengineering with scientist Lee Silver from Princeton University. Silver tells us about a strange creature created by scientists back in the 80s, called a "geep," and shares his recent collaboration effort, a play by playwright Jeremy Kareken that explores the implications of combining humans and other animals.

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