Why the hell should I trek all the way out to Queens? Answers within.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The (re)Cycle Plays: Call for Volunteers

We posted info about this event, and it turns out they could use some help:

As many of you already know, Confluence is producing a 1-day festival next Saturday called THE (re)CYCLE PLAYS. I can't tell you how rewarding this experience has been for me, the other producers, and all of the artists involved. Running a festival like this is not an easy task for a small non-profit like Confluence, which means we rely on volunteers to make sure that everything comes together and will run smoothly on the day of the event. We are still in need of some more volunteers to help us in the days leading up to the event distributing cards, hanging posters, and running errands. We also need some more volunteers on the day of the festival (Saturday, Sept. 15) to help us load in, set up, assist with the maintenance of our artist area, man the Confluence info table, assist with park clean up, and strike and load out at the end of the event.

If you are able to help us out over the next week or by signing up for a 1 or 2 hour shift on Saturday between 10am - 7pm, we would be extremely grateful for your help. Please email gabriel -at- recycleplays -dot- com.

If not, I hope that you are able to make it out to Socrates Sculpture Park to check out what promises to be a great time! All of the festival details can be found at www.recycleplays.com


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